
Memory Food: Easy Holiday Breakfast

"The earth bringeth forth fruit of itself." ~~Mark 4:28

One morning, as I surreptitiously consumed an entire plate of apple crumble for breakfast, I became inspired to adapt the fruit crisp into a legitimate breakfast dish. :) Peaches, pears, plums, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, even strawberries and apples are all quite delicious in a crisp. However you needn't confine yourself to only one fruit, combining fruit is a delicious, frugal, time~honored way to make use of small amounts of a variety of fruit. Many berries mingle beautifully--blackberry, raspberry, and boysenberry__as do peaches, nectarines, apricots, and plums. You are limited only by your resources and/or your imagination. If fresh fruits are not available, you may use drained canned fruit for this recipe.

Blend 1 cup toasted oats or granola cereal, 1 cup flour (I've been using coconut flour lately, 1/2 cup brown sugar(optional) NOTE: I sometimes omit sugar completely, substituting about 3~5 Tablespoons of honey or a natural sugar substitute such as Xylitol and/or stevia extract. Top with 1/3 to 1/2 cup melted butter, coconut oil or a mixture of the two.

Wash and prepare fresh fruits as you would for a pie filling. Spread fruit in pie pan or shallow casserole or baking dish. Sprinkle topping evenly over fruit and bake for 30 to 40 minutes in a preheated 350degree oven.

Note: In the peach crisps in above photos, I used flour I omitted the oats/granola and used coconut flour mixed with a few tablespoons of pumpkin pie spices and my favorite natural sweetener, Xylitol. Oh, and I didn't add anything to the peaches...they were so sweet naturally!

Prep time was under ten little time and work for the pleasure of surprising Katie and Rosie with one of their favorite breakfast treats!!! :))) This is also an easy recipe to prepare ahead if you have visitors for a holiday weekend such as this is!

Sending love, good thoughts and wishes for a happy and safe holiday weekend!


Tracey and Family x0x

P.S. You might remember this recipe from my "Frugal Luxuries by the Seasons" book (page 33)!


Tracey McBride ~ Frugal Luxuries® said...

Raspberry crisp sounds amazing Clarice!!! Lucky Chloe (and yes, you're right, this is embarrassingly easy ;)!

Anonymous said...

Yummy! Love that you use coconut oil- that is pretty much all I use for oil unless it's butter.

Always so good to find another healthy recipe too! Thank you friend!

Bee blessed

Eve said...

I love the coconut flour idea, I'm going to try it. My husband is diabetic, so crumbles are one of the sweets I can make without much sugar. This one look really great and healthful.

Tracey McBride ~ Frugal Luxuries® said...

Hi Eve! Yes, I love coconut flour for it's low glycemic index and it's delicious's surprisingly easy to work with!

Tracey McBride ~ Frugal Luxuries® said...

Me too Mary Ellen! In fact, I've taken to buying it by the pound! :)
It is so good for you and we also use it for as a wonderful skin lotion and hair conditioner! (I think Katie has an addiction to it. ;)

June said...

I love crisps too Tracey. In fact I have been several fresh peach crisps lately because I know that they are fleeting, and I love them best. Thanks for the tip on coconut oil, I haven't tried it yet.
Thank you so much for your sweet message at my place...I always smile when I see you on my screen.
sending hugs from here...

Tracey McBride ~ Frugal Luxuries® said...

You have such a knack for finding pleasure and beauty in the ordinary June. I so enjoyed your post about camping with your sisters. You're so lucky to have each other...I have great brothers but no sisters. Is it any wonder "Little Women" is one of my favorite books?! ;)

Unknown said...

A must try! Always looking for away to get more of the good stuff in them. Eating oatmeal with homemade applesauce right now.

With All That I Am
The Handmade Homemaker

Tracey McBride ~ Frugal Luxuries® said...

Oatmeal and applesauce sounds delicious FD! Yes, this is such an easy way to get them a little treat for breakfast without overloading them with junk. :)
P.S. Loved your trash to treasure swing are so artful.

Caroline said...

Yum Tracey. I'm a newbie convert to now cook with coconut oil.
Have a beautiful day

Tracey McBride ~ Frugal Luxuries® said...

Hi Caroline! So good to see you here again. :))) Yes, we love the unrefined coconut oil too...use it almost much so that we just invested in a five gallon container (the cost broke down to about $2.60 per pound, as opposed to the $8 or $9 we were paying at the store!
Thanks so much for stopping by!

The original "FRUGAL LUXURIES" ~ Based on the books by Tracey McBride ~ Established 1993

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"FRUGAL LUXURIES: Simple Pleasures to Enhance Your Life and Comfort Your Soul" was written by Tracey McBride and published by Bantam Books, NY, in 1997. It was the first of its genre to synergize the elements of simplicity, frugality and gracious living.

After more than a decade, FRUGAL LUXURIES has never been out of print and is now more relevant than ever.

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Sending Good Thought to Our Special Band of Kind and Kindred Souls!

Frugal Luxuries Book I

Frugal Luxuries by the Seasons Book II

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