Delight in Ordinary Things.
P.S. And it's especially nice to find free beauty in ordinary and/or discarded things...don't you think?!!

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Ponder Humble Philosophies
Practice the Art of Frugality
Make Every Day a Feast (on pennies a day)
Nurture Home Graces (beauty need not be expensive)
Mingle Luxury With Economy
Enhance the Ordinary
Create a Gift Pantry all year round
Bring Order from Chaos
Cultivate Home Peace
Meet Kindred Spirits
Savor Frugal Luxuries
Make Something from Nothing (well...almost!)
Learn how to live every day with a sense of abundance, beauty and luxury...without breaking your budget...
all the while keeping in mind this notion from Robert Louis Stevenson:
"Keep your eyes open to your mercies. The man who forgets to be thankful has fallen asleep in life."
Welcome...we're lucky to have you!!!
To live content with small seek elegance rather than luxury, and refinement rather than be worthy, not respectable, and wealthy, not study hard, think quietly, talk gently, act listen to stars and birds, to babes and sages, with open bear all cheerfully, do all bravely, await occasions, never a word, to let the spiritual, unbidden and unconscious...grow up through the common...this is to be my symphony.
---William Henry Channing
Note: Words to live by. This poignant quote touches me more now than when I used it in my first book, Frugal Luxuries, Bantam Books, NY, NY, in 1997.
Lovely thoughts on true luxury.
Your blog is one of my frugal luxuries Lorrie!
I'm so glad you did take a photo! I always love seeing glimpses of your home.
Good healthy food and free pretty blossoms - what could be better!
What a pretty table your produce makes Tracey! I cut my daisy mums before the snow got here yesterday and have a huge bouquet in my breakfast nook- I think this is the last of the flowers from the garden till next spring. Now I get to have the frugal luxury of seeing the glistening snow transform the landscape for a bit.
A frugal luxury coming up- I get to go to Fl with my hubby as he has a hospice chaplain conference there! My first time there so I am a bit excited even though I will be discovering it mostly on my own while he is in his seminars.
bee blessed
Well said Clarice...I agree one hundred percent...being able to recognize beauty in ordinary things does take wisdom and feed the soul. :)
Florida! What a wonderful frugal luxury for you Mary Ellen...especially now that you are having some snow on the ground and cold weather (although an occasional snow day would be a frugal luxury out's supposed to be 90 degrees today :). Have a lovely and wonderful adventure.
Thanks so much Manuela! I would show more but it seems to be always in a state of transition...not fit for public consumption hahahah! We have about five projects in the works right now but I'm hoping to have most of them finished up by December (except the new may have to wait 'til spring). I must say I LOVE seeing your pictures and btw your pic of the veggies you harvested from your garden last week were a feast for the eyes...more free beauty!
You always inspire me to see beauty all around. :)
Ditto to you dear have no idea how timely your posts often are to me personally. They inspire, provoke thought and...on occasion...soul searching. :)
P.S. Especially loved today's post on our lives being our own works of art.
Where have you been?I hope all is well with you..
You always have such a calming natural aura:)
You are so kind, thank you so much Monique for missing me. :) My husband was home from work for over six months with a broken leg and ankle problems! He is now healed nicely and back to work a few months ago...sooo...I am more free to create and spend time with you wonderful kindred spirits! I have missed you all and think of you often.
Very beautiful, and much appreciated.
So happy to share my free/found beauty with an appreciator like you Eve.
I LOVED your post...especially te part about your daughter reading to was poetry in the ordinary. They are lucky to have you as a mom...books were banned at the table during mealtimes when I was growing up (although far too many times I tried to sneak them in via my lap!).
Tracey I love the quotes that you share here so much. I think we were meant to always seek after beauty in our days. Even the ordinary surroundings we view in our daily round have something to share.
I love your beautiful posts.
sending love...
June...such kind thoughts...thank you! I so enjoy your blog...your life is awash with free beauty...just glimpsing your gardens and the buckets filled with roses makes my heart pitter-pat...the beauty of it all! You do have a miraculous green thumb and an eye for beauty. :)
Trayce, your post is wonderful! Happiness is the simple things in life!
As for me, I just bought my own house and I'm very happy.
Loved your visit! kisses
Don't know how I missed our note Solange! So happy to see your name again! Congratulations on your new house...solo exciting for you! With our creativity I know it will be decorated charmingly.
P.S. sorry about the typos!
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