The Ancient Art of...
"Let each man exercise the art."
What is this mysterious, seemingly elusive art of which I speak? Frugality. A humble word, it is derived from two ancient Latin words, frugalix and frux, both meaning..."success". You may also call it by other names, such as prudence, sparingness and thrift. Whatever your choice may be, it always means the unwillingness to squander goods or spend money unnecessarily. It is the careful use of materials or resources.
The quality of being frugal is one so powerful as to change lives and affect history. Each of us possesses the ability to exercise it. Frugality allows you to govern your destiny and produce in your life a lovely, fertile garden of material and intangible wealth. Without it, you may be tossed upon the waves of circumstance, at the mercy of your unorganized whims..."
Hello dear souls...just a quick note to let you know that, for some unknown reason, none of my blogs are allowing the upload of pictures/images (video upload works, but I haven't any good ones to share yet :). I've some fun pictures to share, but these will have to wait until the problem is resolved. Sadly, I cannot find a way to contact Google Blogger for help (I've already jumped through all the help hoops and sites etc...to no avail). Thanks so much for your patience until this problem is resolved. Until then...it's words...words...words...or...I may go over to Squidoo and re-post these things on my Frugal Luxuries lens there...along with pictures. I'll try to put in the link later this week (or today, if time permits).
P.S. Should any of you have any tips on how to resolve this dilemma, I would be very grateful for your input! It seemed to happen immediately after I deleted two pictures that I had posted in the wrong order. Thanks in advance.