
Easy Organizing...Very Simple Ways to Preserve Farm Stand Bounty...and Other Saving Graces


Here are some of the ways I've recently exercised the art of frugality.
Is it my imagination or is the cost of just about everything rising?


Found Storage

  •  As you probably know, I've long been a collector of vintage linens.  Over time my collection has obviously grown, finding us currently bursting at the seams and looking for storage solutions.  (I am seriously thinking of conducting a thinning the first of the year...but more on that in a future post).  In the meantime I needed more storage boxes...and a place to store the boxes!!!  Before I headed off to Ikea (which offers many budget friendly storage options ;) I decided to shop my house to see if there was something that would serve my storage purposes.  Happily, I spied this suit case tucked into the back of our closet.  We inherited it from Mike's mom and kept it for sentimental reasons.  However, once I rediscovered it, I knew it was just the thing to help solve my current storage problem!  Once it was filled with vintage linens (neatly rolled and tucked inside of cotton pillow cases) I had to find a place to put it.   After wandering around the house a bit, brainstorming, I asked Mike to help me slide it...along with our vintage steamer trunk (which already holds some of our most beloved vintage linen pieces, such as my wedding dress)... atop one of our larger armoires.  Don't you love discovering solutions that don't cost a penny...and add a bit of pretty character to a room?!
One Potato, Two Potato...

  • After finding out that potatoes, zucchini and bell peppers are included in the "dirty dozen" list of foods to avoid due to pesticides and the like we often spend a little more to buy the organic varieties.  Thus...I am especially diligent and frugal about finding ways to use up leftovers.  Above, I peeled leftover baked (organic) potatoes then grated them onto a lined cookie sheet and froze them to use as organic hash browns!
  • While the shredder was out...I decided to shred the remainder of the farm stand zucchini to freeze for future stews, soups and baking.  As well, the last three green peppers were also washed, seeded, sliced and frozen for future breakfast frittatas and marinara sauces.  

Well my kind friends, like you, there are dozens of other small ways we are trying to be good stewards of our money and resources but I will save them for another I am off to an early sleep.  Mike and I will be up at dawn to enjoy a nice cup of coffee and some bargain hunting at the local yard sales...with our wish/shopping list in hand!

  What things have you been doing to "plug the small leaks in your ship"? 

Sending love and good thoughts to all!


Tracey and Family


Lorrie said...

Plugging the small leaks is a great way to put the concept of saving where we can.
I stopped using paper napkins a couple of years ago and stitched up a bunch of cotton ones from extra fabric I had on hand. I keep a basket in the kitchen. They go in the washer with other laundry. And I like using them.

Tracey McBride ~ Frugal Luxuries® said...

So smart...great idea Lorrie! I have an eclectic collection of vintage napkins and hankies that I use for parties and nicer get~togethers but you have inspired me to make a set for every day!!! In fact, I have a cotton sheet that would work perfectly as the center of it wore so thin that it tore and is no longer useful as a sheet! set aside the time... :)))

Children of Eve said...

Yes, unfortunately everything really is getting more expensive. Shopping one's own house is certainly the way to go. It gives me a feeling of contentment being able to "make do".
Lorrie and Tracey, I too (after reading this) will try the cloth napkins. I always thought they would be a hassle, having to iron them. Maybe I am mistaken.

Tracey McBride ~ Frugal Luxuries® said...

You are so right our own homes and pantry is wise and so satisfying...and really easy too! ;) I really enjoy the challenge...and it helps to declutter things too (I now have more room in my small closet!)!!!
P.S. I am really enjoying your blog so much lately...especially liked the recent post on your reaction to Hurricane Sandy...GREAT perspective!

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

I love keeping old magazines but not the clutter!

So I have two vintage suitcases stacked in my family room, holding old Victoria magazines.

In the same room, I have two vintage picnic baskets holding other magazines.

I used to actually use one of the picnic baskets when there were kids at home. Hubby has never been fond of eating outside... sigh.

Anyway, I love how you placed the suitcases up high like that, they look lovely and take no extra room.

Tracey McBride ~ Frugal Luxuries® said...

GREAT ideas for magazine storage Brenda! I too have some picnic baskets that I use for storage on top of the cabinets in the kitchen (they hold packaging materials for gifts from the kitchen along with disposable boxes and bowls for mike's lunches and the like). After reading your comment I may rethink them!
P.S. So glad you like the look of the suitcase/trunk combo...yes it's great that they don't take up any extra room as it's a bit at a premium here these days!

Tracey McBride ~ Frugal Luxuries® said... give me too much credit Clarice but I appreciate your good thoughts so much! I've been making Mike hash browns with leftover bakers for years...but when there are too many to eat up right away into the freezer they go! When I want to cook them, I take them from the freezer the night before and fry them in a little coconut oil or butter in the morning until just easy! I often save the peels for my own breakfast frittatas...cutting them into small pieces and sauteing them in oil or butter before adding eggs. They are really tasty and add a bit of potato flavor without all the starch/carbs...and no waste! Of course, I only eat the peels when the potatoes are organic...due to the pesticide factor. Okay, I ramble! Thanks again my friend, for the nice words.

Manuela@A Cultivated Nest said...

ANOTHER post I missed?

I always love shopping the house first. You never know what you'll find that will work.
I try to avoid the dirty dozen as well. We can't afford to buy organic everything so I think focusing on the main baddies is a prudent approach.
Haven't tried freezing potatoes (we don't eat a lot of them - mostly we eat sweet potatoes). But I'll try that next time I have some leftover.

Tracey McBride ~ Frugal Luxuries® said...

Hahahah...I think it's just a bit of a shock that I'm actually posting regularly again Manuela! Yes, you are right, like you we can't afford all organic, all the time, so we do focus on staying organic with those worst offenders. As for potatoes, I freeze them often and with great success!!! In fact, I like to make extra mashed potatoes to freeze, and then reheat them using ramekins in the oven...just add a bit of butter and/or milk to cream them up before baking/warming them at 350 for about 20 minutes. You can also add all kinds of shredded cheeses, carmelized onions, or garlic for variety...super easy, very frugal and a nice change!

The original "FRUGAL LUXURIES" ~ Based on the books by Tracey McBride ~ Established 1993

A warm Thank You to all kind souls and kindred spirits who generously take the time to leave a comment...your encouragement, trust and support are deeply appreciated...please know that we read each and every message and will respond as time allows.


Frugal Luxuries
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"FRUGAL LUXURIES: Simple Pleasures to Enhance Your Life and Comfort Your Soul" was written by Tracey McBride and published by Bantam Books, NY, in 1997. It was the first of its genre to synergize the elements of simplicity, frugality and gracious living.

After more than a decade, FRUGAL LUXURIES has never been out of print and is now more relevant than ever.

"It's our hope that a new generation, faced with a teetering economy, will also find this information helpful and enlightening."

Sending Good Thought to Our Special Band of Kind and Kindred Souls!

Frugal Luxuries Book I

Frugal Luxuries by the Seasons Book II

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